Be the Voice of Girls with English Teacher Mirey Baz!


Hello! My name is Mirey Baz, and I’ve dedicated the past 21 years to teaching English as a Second Language to students in public schools. My passion for teaching and sharing knowledge drives me, and I’m excited to serve as the Project Coordinator for an inspiring initiative, Be the Voice of Girls. This project is close to my heart, and I am here to broaden my impact and support others in unique ways. 

Be the Voice of Girls strives to strengthen ties between Turkey and the United States by teaching English and art to 9th-grade girls from diverse backgrounds in public schools. Our focus is on empowering marginalized girls from various ethnicities, promoting equity and inclusivity. Despite significant progress over the years, many talented girls throughout Turkey still lack access to adequate art and English education. Therefore, our project aims to provide these young women with training sessions and summer camps, enabling them to become vocal advocates for themselves and cultural ambassadors for both Turkey and the U.S.

To achieve this, we’ve developed a unique approach that integrates various art forms with aspects of U.S. culture and life, alongside practical English language skills. These elements are crucial components of our program, enhancing the educational experience and fostering a deeper cultural exchange.

As the project’s co-coordinator, I work alongside my American partner, Carl Holtman, the upcoming president of the Whitehall-Bexley Rotary Club in Columbus, Ohio. Together, we are eager to extend the reach of this empowering initiative globally. We are currently engaging with various international organizations to garner support, increase our visibility, and ensure the sustainability of this impactful project.

Our vision is to transform this valuable local endeavor into a global movement, amplifying the “voice of girls” worldwide to form a collective call for equal rights in social and educational spheres. By uniting these voices, we aspire to create a powerful “scream of girls” advocating for equality and justice.

Join us in this transformative journey—let’s make it happen together!

Carl Holtman
Carl moved to Turkey in 2003 after completing his MA in Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies from University of Wisconsin. He has worked as an editor for several major publications in Turkey, including for the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Investment Office and Daily Sabah. He has also been involved in every imaginable facet of international education.