Welcome to Be the Voice of Girls

Empower, Educate, Engage.

Discover a movement where every girl’s voice is amplified through education and vibrant cultural exchanges. Join us on a transformative journey that bridges continents and cultures, turning aspirations into action. Initially launched with the generous support of the US Mission in Turkey, “Be the Voice of Girls” now connects teenage girls from diverse backgrounds—Turks, Syrians, Kurds, and more—through a unique program that merges English language proficiency with artistic creativity.

This initiative not only enhances language skills but also fosters a deeper understanding of global cultures, encouraging girls to express themselves artistically while exploring new perspectives. Through these interactions, participants not only learn a new language but also weave the rich tapestry of their diverse cultures into a shared narrative that celebrates both their differences and commonalities.

Are you ready to join us and make a difference?

Together, we can empower voices that champion change, understanding, and connection across the globe.

Join us to Be the
Voice of Girls!

We are expanding our network by recruiting ambassadors around the world. We have a range of positions to become an ambasador. Join us to Be the Voice of Girls!
Our Work

What are we doing?

In profound memory of Fatma Dodurka, her daughter Alara, and the vibrant young lives of Cemre Turan, Deniz Evren, and Hira Asya Kaya, “Be the Voice of Girls” remains deeply committed to advancing their vision. These remarkable individuals each brought unique strengths and passion to our mission, and their spirits continue to inspire and guide our efforts.

Under the leadership of Carl Holtman, co-founder of “Be the Voice of Girls,” our initiative is poised for significant global expansion. After spending nearly two decades in Turkey, Carl has returned to Columbus, Ohio, equipped with extensive expertise as a higher education and language assessment specialist. His profound understanding of diverse educational environments significantly enhances our program’s framework, boosting both its impact and sustainability. As a prominent figure in the Columbus non-profit and service community, Carl actively engages with local and international networks, including Rotary International, to garner support and resources necessary for our mission’s worldwide success.

As we honor the memory of Fatma, Alara, Cemre, Deniz, and Hira, our expanded efforts are dedicated not only to empowering girls through education but also to fostering a global community of supportive peers and mentors. This community is united by a belief in the transformative power of cultural exchange and artistic expression.

Join us in this vital mission to ensure that their dreams live on through every girl we empower, every community we touch, and every barrier we dismantle. Together, we can create a world where every girl’s voice is heard and valued.


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